Monday, April 15, 2013

My Galilee Photo Album

Galilee was with a doubt the best ten days of my entire Jerusalem Study Abroad experience. I wish I could bring all of you with me back to Galilee right this very second. Maybe if you scroll through the pictures really will feel like real life (or a really disjointed flip book). 

I came to Galilee with my top priority being spiritual growth, and let me tell you-I couldn't have imagined it any better. I sailed on the Sea of Galilee and had my own "Peace, Be Still" moment. I sat on the Mount of Beatitudes and read the Sermon on the Mount. I took more than 20 "selfie" photos with my best friends. I taught a Plan of Salvation missionary discussion with my "companion" along the Sea of Galilee and felt guided by the Spirit as I asked if the investigators I was teaching would be baptized (Yes, I was denied...but just you wait.) I learned how to cartwheel-shout out to Lindee Loo and Hanny. I wrote in my journal sitting on the beach about all the blessings in my life, only to look up an see a rainbow over the Sea of Galilee. I huddled in a crowded room praying that the internet would work well enough for us to watch a session of conference...and our prayers were answered. I fell so in love with President Eyrings talk. I talked for hours day after day to my favorite people swinging in hammocks. I bore my testimony in the Tiberias branch about the most simple and pure truth in my life: the existence of my Savior. I giggled like a 7th grader with my earbud-buddies during field trips as more and more receivers died and we were all forced to share. I fasted and received the extremely humbling answers to "What lack I yet?" like the man in Matthew chapter 19. I sat around a bonfire with 80 of my closest friends singing to Jason Mraz's "I Won't Give Up," eating smores, and taking polaroid photos. I studied my scriptures for four hours straight for the first time in my life. I watched more than enough Gilmore Girls with Swag by my side. I woke up early and ran along the edge of the Sea of Galilee and still had time to read my scriptures and eat breakfast (So excited for productive mornings on my mission). I stayed awake for every minute of my three hour New Testament classes because I made it such a priority to go to sleep early. I swam in the rocky Sea of Galilee and loved every minute of it. I read my mission call alongside the Sea of Galilee after reading the calling of the apostles from Christ (and luckily the rain helped me remember that I was going to be late for breakfast). When it gets down to it...I love Galilee more than any other place on earth.

Ready for my favorite photos? are 43 haha. I don't have it in me to explain what each place is...but I'll throw in random comments along the way (maybe more than a few).

I am so eternally grateful that Swag caught this photo. I'm obsessed with touching water as the world knows and touching the Sea of Galilee was oh so divine.

Okay, these incredible people deserve a shout out. Erika broke her ankle in Eilat a few weeks ago, and these darling people were there every second helping her get to each of our field trip destinations. It was such a wonderful thing to witness. 

I'm eternally grateful for Hunter. He has taught me more about being a good missionary than anyone else. World's best fake investigator. 

Mount of Beatitudes


Harsh reality: This is what field trips really look like. 

Traditional site of the devils being cast into the swine. Quality re-enactment, don't ya think?

Bible photo shots for the win!

There were fish in this natural spring that ate your feet. Weirdest feeling of my entire life. Never again. 

Love story: Lizzie is in love with her boyfriend Dan. We were in the city of Dan. So naturally, she brought her pillowcase and made it her flag. Oh yes, she is the funniest/cutest girl in the world. 

Now, we didn't go to those countries...but we are CRAZY close to the border here. I had a mild panic attack of excitement. People shook their head initially when they saw what I was doing...and then suddenly everyone wanted the same photo. I'm not proud or anything. 

Seriously, I love selfies with Lindee Loo.

1948 War Bunkers on the border of Syria and Israel.

Traditional photo....yep, we are classy.

Moses' Seat of wickedness in Chorazin.

Mustard seed in Israel!!! I ate one!

Shout out to my darling old friend Juliet Anisa Norris. We made it to the Baha'i Temple and Gardens! They were exquisite. 

Waves came and NONE of us were expecting it. Especially Hanny.

Piggy-back races in a Hippodrome? We tied for first. Oh baby.

Goodbye beautiful Galilee. Oh how I love you.

Thanks for reading this whole thing. Love you all. But wait...guess what? I'M HOME IN 10 DAYS!!! Woot woot. So ready to squeeze the people I love oh so much. 


  1. Your eyes are fiercely blue - you look so happy. LOVE your list.

  2. On a scale of 1 to perfect photo album... this is a perfect photo album.
