Friday, January 11, 2013

Lesson Learned...While on Lock Down

Around 1:00 this afternoon...I learned a little something. I was feeling exhausted and missing home a little too much. I walked into my room and just stood there staring at the mirror wondering what I really was doing for the next 103 days. The call to prayer music started playing that I mentioned earlier, and I walked outside onto my now sunshiny and almost warm balcony overlooking Jerusalem. I stood leaning against the railing, praying that I would be able to change my perspective.

Answer to prayer #1: After putting on some under eye make up (because let's face it, the bags under my eyes are huge) I ran upstairs...grabbed the first three people sitting alone that I ran past and asked if they wanted to go on an adventure with me. We aren't allowed to leave the center just yet (we are still being processed by the center's security), but we sure are able to explore the grounds. We ran into lovely sheep, talked about our lives, made a few new friends, took a million pictures, and stood in awe at the experience that was before us.

We named her Stella...she stood alone from all the other sheep. We thought she deserved a bam name.

My adventure group. Can you tell my camera was on a timer leaning on something?

I mean come on...I live in this place!

Can you see the perfectly placed Dome of the Rock? Thank you Matthew...that photography class in 10th grade is really taking you places.

Answer to prayer #2: I then found a study room, ready to study for my Ancient Near Eastern Studies test...and in walked my friend Preston (Grey's Jaclyn?) who is getting his mission call in a few weeks. We studied for a while, but we ended up talking for a lovely hour too. Officially beginning to pass through the "acquaintance" phase of experiences like this. Hallelujah.

Answer to prayer #3: Someone mentioned a game night for tonight, and I jumped on board walking around and finding everyone I could to invite them all. Who doesn't love being invited to something? Especially when we all are kind of wandering aimless throughout the center avoiding the homework dumped on us this morning.

Moral of my little cheesy story-I have got to stop thinking about me because that in no way leads to any kind of productivity. I'm in Jerusalem, studying what I love, and embarking on an adventure I can't even fathom. This is going to be amazing. Thank goodness for prayer, Muslim calls to prayer, warm sun on my face, and wonderful people surrounding me. Love you all.

P.S. Starting tomorrow...this whirlwind of an experience begins. My blogging will become way less frequent, but for now I can't help it. Tomorrow we head to the Garden Tomb. Can't wait.


  1. Jenessa, you are so in tune to the spirit. Look at you inviting people to things, making everybody's lives better. I swear, nobody is as good as you. :) :) :)

  2. I love reading about your life. Ps. I'm liking this new background. Pss. I updated my blog for you!

  3. What a beautiful place you live in. You're fantastic-
