Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Lovely Sabbath Saturday

 7:00-Shut off my alarm and lay down hoping that it didn’t just go off. Proceed to get ready and chat with my darling roommates.

8:30-Run up to eat breakfast (especially the delicious cream of wheat) on the balcony overlooking the beautiful city. Feel immensely blessed.
9:00-Sing with the choir in the chapel (also overlooking the beautiful city with floor to ceiling windows) and try not to be overwhelmed with joy as we sing Come Thou Fount.

10:00-Attend wonderful church  with my favorite ward. I have never been so ready for church to start. 

1:00-Hold a Compassionate Service meeting with two other lovely girls outside in the shade.

1:30-Leave with ten other kids to walk to the Garden of Gethsemane. Though the Garden was a lot smaller and not quite as reverent as I had anticipated, there is something powerful about that place. Perhaps that tiny plot of land wasn’t where our Savior atoned for our sins, but the miracle of it all is that he did it. Through him, we can return to our Heavenly Father. Through the events that started in that garden, or a garden like it, we can have eternal life. I love the gospel.

3:00-Email, talk, and listen to Lizzie and her phenomenal violin skills.

4:00-Eat dinner on the same balcony….we skip lunches on the Sabbath and it leaves us all famished. But don’t worry-we make up for it with how much we consume at dinner. Chocolate pitas are going to be the death of us all. SCRUMPCIOUS.

6:00-Visit with my darling visiting teachers. I adore Sierra and McCall.

6:30-Watch Prince of Egypt in the student lounge. I mean come on...we did just finish Exodus in our Old Testament class. It was perfect.

9:00-Begin the phone chat portion of the day in the empty auditorium. Turns out no one ever remembers there is a phone in there. Love that I have found my own little spot to chat with my favorite people (maybe not that little).

NOW: I am currently sitting in a study room…blogging, journaling, listening to my favorite music.

11:00-Say hello to a girls night sleepover in room 408 baby.


Room 408. Love.

Side note of the day: I'm going on a mission! Finally decided.


  1. You are so beautiful. We're talking beautiful soul, beautiful face, the whole package. That shirt looks really good on you. Haha I'm glad you had such a lovely day, and I'm SO GLAD I got to chat with you. Talk about making my day/ week/ life.

    P.S. Tell Jane I say hi. And I'm glad she finally knows we're best friends.

  2. Jenessa - I love it all. It makes me feel a little like I'm there. I pray all continues to go well. However, it doesn't seem like any college classes I've ever taken. When do you hit the books, study or spend time in class? Not important. Israel is beautiful just like you. Wonderful to see you so happy, having a joyful time and greatful for being there among God's children. You are truly blessed. Love GP

  3. "You shine wherever you are: Jerusalem, Cambridge, BYU-Provo, Home make no difference! You will shine on your mission as well! We love that you are happy and appreciative of these incredible moments in your life. Have a lovely week! Mama

  4. Ahhh little woowoo your mom told me last night and my heart about jumped out of my chest. You will be the best missionary!! I am so proud of you always and love you with all my heart!

  5. You are SO wonderful, Jenessa!!! Miss you and love you.

  6. You're radiating from the Middle East. Pretty sure the conflicts there would be a bit better if they had you as a diplomat. Being an ambassador for the Gospel fits you beautifully too. Love you tons!!
