Monday, March 23, 2015

Oh How I Love the Spirit

This weekend I had the privilege to speak to an incredible group of young adult Relief Society sisters in Washington DC. I had been asked to speak on social media missionary work. As the trip came closer, I became more and more nervous. I felt a bit overwhelmed at the idea of coming to DC to tell a group of intelligent, educated, women how they should conduct themselves through social media. 

Luckily, that all changed. As the retreat began and the Relief Society sisters walked in, a sweet feeling came over me from the Spirit. The presentation that felt scattered and unfinished two minutes prior, felt just right. The stubborn projector that wouldn't play my power point actually became an answer to prayer because I could switch the order of my presentation according to the Spirit. The women in the room suddenly felt more like friends than intimidating strangers. I didn’t question if I should stand or sit. I didn’t worry about whether or not I should hold my lap top or set it on the table. Everything became simple and through that simplicity, my heart was open to learn a lovely lesson from these inspired women during the presentation.

I learned that each and every one of us contributes to social media missionary work in a different way. We all have a distinct and individual light. God isn’t asking us all to be a light on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram the same way. He works through the Spirit to inspire us to know just what role we are meant to play so we can fulfill the measure of our creation.

I am so grateful for the Spirit in my life. When the Spirit is with me I don’t feel overwhelmed, inadequate, or unsure. Instead, I feel confident, capable, and ready to do something beyond my comfort zone. When the Spirit is with us, life can be oh so simple. We can truly be taught from on high. Love you all.

Here are a few tid-bits about what I love most about DC:
1. I love walking the monuments at night. There really is no better way to see DC.
2. The darling Taylor Fidel lives there.
3. There is a magic about this city and its architecture. It is the closest thing to Europe in the US. I really can’t get enough of it.
4. HELLO—We have a national cathedral! Who even knew? Way to be America.
5. Food is just better in DC, especially ethnic food and burgers. Already craving the Thai food I ate last night.
6. I LOVE museums. From the botanical gardens to the Spy Museum, I could walk around all day learning about the crazy cool things in the world.
7. Everyone should eat bakery cinnamon sugar pop tarts at least once in their lives. Talk about Heaven.

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