Sunday, January 13, 2013


Today was the first real day of freedom and oh my word, it was possibly the closest thing to perfection. I currently really should be studying. So let's just consider this a supplemental journal...maybe I will feel less guilty for staring at my photos all night. Please just appreciate a few of my pictures and short story captions.

Old Jerusalem is beautiful.

Those pillows....are cement. Kid you not.

Holy Sepulchre (We didn't have time to take pretty pictures inside, but I will later.)

Herod's Gate. One of the seven or eight entrances to the Old City.

The church was built where Christ was believed to be condemned.

STORY TIME: We got lost and needed directions. These two charming boys helped us out. And...drum roll please....I spoke in Arabic with them. COOLEST MOMENT YET.

Pools of Bethesda-LOVE. I promise there is water down there.

I touched now I'm healed right? 
(Yes, I realize the water looks green. It was.)

I am in love.

We played soccer with more than a few Palestinian little boys for a half hour. I scored one of our goals. Oh baby. Those 8 years of soccer growing up have finally payed off.

I talked with these boys in Arabic too. They are hysterical.

Love you lots Madre, Jaclyn, Juliann, and Jen. Thanks for reading my obsessive posts.

P.S. Funniest moment yet - After hearing what felt like hours of warnings about staying in groups of threes and having the boys always walk in the back of the group to protect the girls, a ten year old boy slapped my butt. Yes, no joke. The group of people I was with died laughing. The story is I am known as the girl who got slapped in the butt by some mischievous little grinning boy and his friends. I'm classy I know.


  1. This is my favorite post yet. Sounds like a great day. And I am telling that butt slapping story to Seth during Sunday School - it's hilarious. Love you tons.

  2. Holy cow. Chatting in Arabic with little Muslim boys in the streets of Jerusalem? You are way too cool.

  3. Excited beyond belief right now!! Jen just helped me find you because she's the best like that. I am officially caught up and in love with your stories and pictures.
    Color me impressed that you can chat in Arabic in the first place, and not to mention earning a classy nickname in your first month. Altogether awesome, way to be.
    You're the nicest by the way, I just know your adventure groups were thanking God for sending you because who doesn't need a friend like Jenessa. No one, that's who. (Meaning everybody does in case that was unclear)

  4. Whoa, so cool that you got to speak Arabic, scored a goal and got your butt slapped. Only the butt slap would happen to you. Love you.
