Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ready for Information Overload?

I've found that my posts are all about the big stuff...So, this post will be dedicated to the small stuff (with a bit of the big stuff thrown in because I don't have the time to do two posts.) Just imagine the kinds of things that I would include in a random text message, or that I would go off on a rant about. So here's to the small things that don't really pertain to my experience in the Middle East exactly, but are bits of my life anyway.

I've started running here in the mornings. While it is death getting back into it (especially on these giant hills) that feeling of total contentment right after we finish as the sun starts rising is more than worth it. Can't wait for the Jerusalem 10k (possibly upping it to a 1/2 marathon if we are feeling really ambitious) with Pudgy, Tubby, and Chubs. (I'm Chunkers.) Don't ask me where those nicknames came from. I HEART THE FAT SQUAD.

I broke my camera. Like you can shake it and hear the cracked lens inside rattle. It's dead and gone. Thank goodness my darling friend Lizzie has a back up camera. So don't you worry-pictures will still be taken like crazy.

Need a creepy place to film a scary movie? I found it. Just go get your blood work done in a Palestinian hospital in Israel. Thank goodness my limited Arabic was actually helpful in this sketchy situation. Oh the joys of filling out mission paperwork in a foreign country.

In a week or two we have talent show auditions. I'm accompanying my friend Ragan on the piano. He is going to be singing a beautiful Josh Groban song, Si Volvieras a Mi. The song has 5 kind of makes me want to cry, but Ragan is much too talented for me to let his his voice not be shared with the world. Fingers crossed I get the song down.

I've been to the place where David and Goliath battled it out. (Confession: It was too muddy to make it to the actual valley, so we went to a hill overlooking it.) Anyone else astonished at how green it is? Hello England. And yes I know I look like I have attitude in that picture with the sling shot.

Red flowers!!! I didn't cry this time family. But I may have sniffled. First time we've seen flowers since being here. I almost forgot they existed. 

Jaclyn's blog post may have made my eyes water just a bit in the middle of studying for my Palestine midterm. (I credit you, Jaclyn Michele, to the 93%. Thanks for the needed inspiration.)

I completely forgot that I learned how to do a sock bun right before I came here. Let me tell you it was a delightful realization a couple days ago.

ANNOYANCE OF THE WEEK: I am so incredibly sick and tired of my clothes. I want to burn them all. Only 75 more days of these wretched items. Sorry I am so vain. I really am excited for the next 75 days here haha.

I know I'm in Israel and not Italy, but gelato is all over the place here. And oh my word-it is delicious! I am so in love with the maple waffle flavor. Yes, I know that sounds bizarre, but it is incredible.

2 MIDTERMS DOWN. 1 LEFT TO GO. (I heart studying with Hannah Karina Jackson and Lindee O'Seen.)


I've started doing yoga here. Imagine being on the grassy balcony of the Jerusalem Center overlooking the city as the sun rises and being in some strangely relaxing, but painful pose. I'm falling in love with it...I just need to to got over the hilarity of it all (Don't think I've ever laughed so loud in my whole life) Yoga is a quiet thing...I'm embarrassing.

Arab Culture Night was incredible. We dressed up, witnessed a Koranic reading by Imams from the famous Al-Aqsa Mosque, ate a delicious feast that resembled the sunset meal eaten during Ramadan, and learned a traditional Arab dance. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I have never worn so much eye-liner in my life.

Introducing the Fanny Pack Fan Club. Once you start wearing one, you may never make it back. Tourists of the century baby. Don't poke fun...we are stylin' here in Israel.

We went to a Jewish Reform synagogue on Friday night. It was not at all what I expected, but I loved it. The Sabbath evening service was almost entirely done through singing. It was hard to follow along with, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The people were so kind and welcoming. What I had initially pictured to be a solemn, more extravagant setting turned out to be exceptionally happy, casual, and accepting. I love experiencing bits of other people's faiths. It truly is eye-opening.

Culture Immersion Update: I no longer notice the Call to Prayer that goes on five times a day. The creepy wandering cats no longer surprise me, though they still freak me out a little. And I no longer have to consciously think about avoiding men's eyes here (Yes, that is a real thing).

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and 17 Miracles are completely depressing movies. But sometimes movies like that are worth the depression. 

Epitome of what our weekly field trips look like. I heart Swag as always.

Lie of the century: While on a field trip at the ruins of Lachish, our professor asked what city in Lord of the Rings the gates looked like. I yelled out Helms Deep (that is the only city I really know). Turns out I was right. Now the boys here think I'm some kind of cool Lord of the Rings fan. It's all a lie, but I only feel a little bad.

Best of all...I am almost done with my mission papers. I considered turning in the photo on the right, but don't worry Mama...I turned in the one on the left.

Life is oh so good. I'm working on being better at emailing people back. LOVE YOU ALL. Longest blog yet? Score. Have a wonderful day dear world.


  1. Though I'm having a really good time filling in the blanks, I have to wonder/hope/pray there will be more content here in the future.

  2. Goodness, overwhelming. I'm going to focus on the most important part(s).
    1.) Maple Waffle Gelato. Maybe it's my proximity to Canada or just a long suppressed love of maple but something has happened and now it's like my favorite food, second only to pineapple.
    2.) So sad for your camera.
    3.) And SO SO excited for your missionary decision.

  3. That content perfectly lived up to my expectations. Love the little things in life.

  4. Truly delightful post. You're HILARIOUS.
